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Closed Circuit TV

Today there are countless uses for closed-circuit television and video, and Fire Security Technologies, Inc. has solutions for all of them. With our experienced technical staff, Fire Security Technologies, Inc. is uniquely able to offer you comprehensive design, implementation, and service packages for a wide variety of CCTV applications, including:

  • Safety/Security
  • Biomedical/Healthcare
  • Industrial/Manufacturing
  • Educational
  • Retail
  • Commercial
  • Correctional Facilities
  • Hotels

Fire Security Technologies, Inc. can analyze your particular situation and then recommend the most appropriate video system for your needs and your budget. Allow our design team to suggest a range of options to maximize your network's efficiency, such as pan/tilt/zoom functions, digital recorders, computerized programs, and much more.

Fire Security Technologies, Inc. represents three of the most sophisticated closed-circuit TV and video manufacturers. Their broad and innovative product offerings enable Fire Security Technologies, Inc. to deliver the system that's best for you.

Fire Security Technologies, Inc. is a factory direct authorized dealer for the advanced video products from GE , a global leader in motion-capture systems. GE's extensive lines include many outstanding video multiplexers, digital video recorders, and matrix systemsGE provides security and life safety solutions for applications from retail stores to manufacturing facilities to homes. 

In addition to the GE brand we carry, Fire Security Technologies, Inc. can provide service and ongoing maintenance for all major closed-circuit systems.