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Inspections & Certifications

Fire Security Technologies, Inc. offers an innovative web-based solution that guarantees timely inspections, maintenance and procedures that are fully-documented in accordance with regulatory standards.  Inspectors use standard PDAs with software to scan safety devices and upload results to a secure, web-based account.

The data is then compared to past inspections and statistical analysis using an online database. Unique bar-code registration ensures comprehensive inspections by monitoring inspectors' progress in real time during the inspection, preventing missed items, and facilitating fast action on repairs. Scanned timestamps cannot be modified, and reports are ready immediately as either a dynamic web page or a downloadable document to authorized users only.

  • Building Owners: View your inspection reports online, download copies, or have them emailed to you for viewing later offline. Archived and viewable online for up to five years.
  • Inspectors: With login privileges from Fire Security Technologies, Inc., Inspectors can use the full resources of our inspection reports in the comfort of your office. Imagine having the ability to create and edit your own inspection reports for in-house compliance with building inspections.
This web-based wireless technology is convenient and easy-to-use. Our intuitive system uses any standard internet browser, so you can access reports from any location at any time for flexible management of multiple properties. Exceptions are clearly displayed in real time. Links to local codes and manufacturer recalls maximize your efficiency. Forms are always up to date, along with continuous and seamless technology updates.
You can be guaranteed your information is secure.  You control who has access to create, edit, or view data and reports in your account.  Inspection data cannot be modified.  Servers are vigorously protected with encryption and firewall technologies.  Multiple data-backups daily, off-premise records archiving, and instant records retrieval further secure your investment.  Now you can have confidence in the security and integrity of your compliance!